Friday, August 15, 2008
Obfuscation: Thick?
This is posted more in the interest of disseminating intriguing local political YouTubage than it is out of any particular desire to revisit the city council meltup / blowdown yet one more time.
It is notable, however, that this video (which fell off the back of a truck) appears to cut out and restart at 2:17, at what was obviously a key juncture.
Shields: Did you or did you not contact M.J. Tocci to get this RFP at [$]91,000-plus negotiated down?
Trant: Yes.
Shields: Thank you. When you you asked her to do that, were you aware of what the scope of the contract was?
Trant: I was aware -- yes.
Shields: Did you ask her to get all the other stuff out of there and just get to the wage and disparity study which was the original intent?
#Apparent Video Edit#
Trant: We talked with Selena [Schmidt, chief of staff to Shields]...
Shields: And I disagree with that too, I'm gonna -- I have one footnote for this Council. I had a conversation...
Motznik: Would that chairman -- would the Chairman let the Director answer the question?
Shields: No wait a minute -- because we have a pack of lies here, Jim, and I'm trying to get to the bottom of this, and what she just said was a lie.
So it's not completely clear from this what she said.
At some later point in the meeting, Shields did get to reference the conversation he had attempted to "footnote" -- which he claims he held with mayoral chief of staff Yarone Zober. That portion of the meeting did not make it into this video, either.
Friday: A Complete Lack of Journalistic Balance, Proportion, Objectivity, Self-Awareness or the Slightest Hint of Shame

Is it aimed there. How's that?
"There are no right wingers. We're all Democrats," Mr. Steigerwald said, eliciting laughter from the crowd.
(Are we. How's that?)
The public, of course, will kick in $7.5 million a year for 30 years in state development funds to help pay off bonds for the $290 million project, while Pittsburgh's forthcoming casino will contribute an equal amount. The Pittsburgh Penguins, who will get a state-of-the-art venue after playing in the oldest arena in the NHL, will also put millions into the deal. (P-G, Edit Board)
$4.2 million.
Our Editorial Board specified the state and casino contributions down to the first decimal, so it's hard to fathom why we need only be aware that the Penguins will contribute ethereal "millions".
It's $4.2 million per annum, or just under 22% of the total. Unless you count fees waived, externals comped, and cost overruns guaranteed. And there's certainly no need to mention the exclusive development rights to 28 acres of prime Downtown real estate. Totally insignificant.
Enjoy your ad revenue.
The coming of a new arena is one more achievement, and it deserves to be celebrated by the entire community.
Oh well excuse us for breathing. Or thinking.
None of this would have happened if Rendell had not pushed a Plan B, which was his alternative in case the Isle of Capri did not get the Pittsburgh slots license. If IOC was awarded the license, it was going to build an arena at no cost to the Penguins or the public. In presenting a Plan B, Rendell was only doing his job. He was a leader leading. He was in no way attempting to undermine the IOC's chances.
For his good work, he was attacked viciously. People on the radio told lies about him. And for what? For presenting a proposal that made perfect sense. As it turned out, the backup plan was necessary when IOC did not get the slots license.
Rendell looked like a genius, and the people who trashed his plan looked too stupid to comprehend. Some of these media members were at the groundbreaking yesterday. Wonder what they think of Plan B -- which became Plan A and the only plan -- now? That was a mean-spirited time when emotions overruled logic. It's in the past. (P-G, Bob Smizik)
Are you insane, Mr. Smizik.
We do realize that it's not your job per se to fret over government and politics, and that you more than anyone else at your newspaper should be cleared for celebration. So far, so good.
Yet you seem genuinely and completely unaware that tax dollars come from -- well, somewhere! Not trees, not magic beans, not wind turbines! And that this money could have and surely would have otherwise been spent on -- well, other goods and services!
We won't bore you with the nuance of how the ingenious Plan B was crafted allegedly to ensure $350 million in private investment for the surrounding community, to offset Isle of Capri's more expansive project -- only to be lost down the memory-hole of all interested parties, never to be mentioned again in the respectable media. Let's stick to the basics.
Your preference to spend the money on a shiny circus tent rather than safe roads and bridges, health care, education or tax relief is the "emotional" one. "Logic", by most classical Western definitions, would have dictated a hockey arena built with a significantly higher (more equitable?) share of private financing, or maybe no arena at all. OH NO WAIT, WE DIDN'T MEAN IT! PUT DOWN THOSE TORCHES! EYE HEART PITTSBURGH! ALLEEEEEYAAAAAHHHH!!!
Mario Lemieux says the Penguins never were serious about leaving Pittsburgh.
"It wasn't a possibility," Lemieux said during a groundbreaking ceremony Thursday for Pittsburgh's $290 million hockey arena.
"We had to do a few things to put pressure on the city and the state, but our goal was to remain here in Pittsburgh all the way. Those trips to Kansas City and Vegas and other cities was just to go and have a nice dinner, and come back." (Trib, Boren & Rossi)
Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you for the journalism.
For commentary that's as good as anything we'd write, see the Slag Heap.
"What's happened is that the Democrats are in a veto-proof majority on council and they're using that veto-proof majority as a weapon, including meeting in secret," Roddey said. "We know that they met. We know that they took a straw poll. It's an abuse of power.
"They went into the public meeting already agreeing to pass the [drink tax referendum] ordinance. It's important because the debate and discussion never sees the public light. They've already decided what they're going to do." (Trib, Bobby Kerlik)
If there has ever been a better day for cold compresses, dry martinis and deep thoughts, the Comet has never known it.
See you in the various comments sections. Do not expect intelligibility.
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Merger: 2008-2008

The Allegheny Institute called it. Time of death: 8/07/08 9:51 AM.
Chief Executive Onorato and Mayor Ravenstahl have been handed a major political defeat. Onorato because he has been shown not to be invincible politically and Ravenstahl for demonstrating a willingness to go against his own better judgment in hopes of currying favor with powerful groups and individuals.
Now the two gentlemen can get back to what they should have been doing all along; putting together plans to have the City contract with the County to provide services such as public works and parks management and maintenance.
Looking at some of the recent comments by our local state reps, it's reasonable to come to that conclusion.
The P-G, however, is not so eager to dance of Consolidation 09's grave:
SUMMER, THE SEASON of fresh peaches, also is the time of stale reruns, and not all of them are on television. The evidence comes from a variety of sources, starting with politicians who are skeptical of the plan for consolidation of regional services boldly set forth four months ago by a task force under University of Pittsburgh Chancellor Mark Nordenberg. Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato quickly got on board, but state Rep. Dan Frankel, the Squirrel Hill Democrat, said last week that state legislators from the county consider it "way too premature" for them to start working on legislation that would allow voters to decide if Pittsburgh and the county should merge their governments. We've certainly heard the brakes applied to forward-thinking efforts before. (P-G, Edit Board)
1) Plan? There was a plan?
2) A plan for consolidation of regional services? Surely, such a thing would not require state legislation or any referendum.
We sympathize with the idea that change is needed and that knee-jerk resistance to necessary change is unfortunate, but was what was being presented to legislators in this round really "forward-thinking"? And is thinking forwardly enough?
The Nordenberg Report itself cautioned for slow-going deliberation, and highlighted four real challenges to true governmental consolidation that must be addressed:
1. Meeting the continuing needs of the urban center
2. Ensuring adequate minority representation
3. Dealing equitably with current city and county employees
4. Segregating legacy costs
Whether or not anyone had read the report, these concerns were felt in the bones of city residents. Without benefit from the outset of a robust public dialogue as to how we might conquer these challenges -- especially numbers 2 and 3 -- it was folly to believe anyone would sign off on dissolving anything into anything else.
Mayor Ravenstahl and County Exec Onorato are still to be congratulated for embracing the broad concepts of an ultimately necessary merger -- but are to be duly chided for not entrusting us with a serious public conversation about its nuts and bolts, and for seeming to act with a haste that was cautioned against in their own report.
Let's start talking about 2010, 2011 and beyond. It's more important to get this right than completed on any artificial timetable.
A Tale of Two Supermarkets

Mr. Frazier and a coalition of Hill District organizations, including McCormack Baron Salazar, a longtime housing developer in the area; Rothschild Doyno Collaborative, an urban design and architecture firm; and the Hill House Economic Development Corp., proposed that the community should expand its business corridor.
To that end, that group has planned the $24 million, 100,000- square-foot, Centre City Square, which would stretch along Centre Avenue between Heldman and Dinwiddie Streets.
"We should think about this as the long-needed expansion and development of Centre Avenue's business corridor," said architect Dan Rothschild, who designed the proposed Centre City Square.
That project would be an expansive complex with a full-service Kuhn's market, a pharmacy with an elegant plaza, outdoor dining, a cafes, restaurants and retail space.
"This is what the future of Centre Avenue should be," Mr. Rothschild said. "Our goal is to encourage foot traffic that will bring about development in this area." (P-G, Karamagi Rujumba)
Hard not to feel a bit more inspired by this Centre City Square project than by the Save-A-Lot bid.
"They are both interesting proposals. We want to make certain that the store we pick will stay," Tonya Payne, the City Council member who represents the Hill District. (Trib, Rick Willis)
That is certainly true. Still, something about the idea of a thriving 8-store local operation expanding to 9 as one part of an aggressive, multi-faceted development strikes us as offering even more stability than a 1,000+ nationwide discount chain store, constructed in a rush, that might just as easily opt out and cut its losses with the same lightning speed.
Save-A-Lot would build a 16,500 square-foot store in about six months, said Rick Meyer, a vice president at the chain.
"We're not going to have some fancy sushi bar. What you will have, though, is every basic food item you need," Meyer said.
We know some Hill residents that like sushi just fine -- not that any Kuhn's ever had a sushi bar. It's a modest enough operation in its own right.
Save-a-Lot boasts prices that can be "40% less expensive". That sounds hard to compete with, but many from the community are already shopping at the South Side Giant Eagle, and paying for the trip.
It's likely that many who could possibly manage that will continue to do so if the community were to introduce only a bargain-basement option. In the long run, that would render the neighborhood's venture an even more discouraging scene.
COMET TWOCENTS: A respectable, full-service grocery store with ancillary development is more likely to inspire optimism in the rest of Pittsburgh's Hill District -- which will be necessary to attract new residents, repatriating residents and a variety of new businesses and resources. It would also do more to enhance the environment for those already residing there.
Respecting that the community itself has the final say, we are looking for some game-changers here, aren't we? It sounds like the robust Centre City Square development raises expectations far higher, and shows greater confidence in a neighborhood that could really benefit from some already.
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