At the Hill House Kaufmann Center [this last Sunday], the coalition unveiled 37 preliminary recommendations for a benefits agreement.
The recommendations hung on the wall, and the 100 or so people in attendance indicated their preference by placing colored circular stickers by them.That's what
Ron DaParma at the
Trib says happened.
If there are any forces within the One Hill
CBA coalition that wish to drastically tamp-down or amp-up community demands, this is the last week for them to operate.
Jennifer England, communications coordinator for Pittsburgh UNITED, says that One Hill plans to spend about a week analyzing the data, and probably doing some horse-trading.
What will emerge will be a white-hot phalanx of community consensus, which will be regarded as a blueprint for contract negotiations with the city and other stakeholders.
"A huge public subsidy for the Penguins requires huge public benefits," says Carl Redwood, leader of One Hill. (P-G,
Milan Simonich)
The Comet has some reason to suspect that these eleven items out of the 37 represent a sort of rock-bottom, line-in-the-sand nucleus around which Pittsburgh UNITED (the faction of the movement that draws roots from organized labor) wishes to arrange a
Revolving Loan FundHome Preservation FundEconomic Anchor (Grocery Store)Tourism Path / Historic PreservationCommunity Economic Development FundFinancial Literacy (Homeownership / Credit Repair / Foreclosing Counseling)First Source HiringSEIU keeps jobs and contractsUnite Here keeps jobs and contractsFirst Source Hiring for Post-Construction Jobs in SEIU and Unite Here job areasJob Training to increase access to Apprentice positions in construction jobsOf course, there were many other items on the ballot, and not all of them were economic in nature. Here is a sampling:
Scholarship FundYouth Support SystemsHill District Uptown Cultural AssetsMonies for Drug RehabilitationIntegrated Holistic Human Service Delivery SystemCheese and crackers! If somebody is ready to roll on an integrated holistic human service delivery system, let's find some different money for them.
Landowners who operate against wishes of the community barred to participate on 28 acre development.Ah, that's interesting. Some negotiators within One Hill are feeling aggressive. How the Penguins could have won sole possession of those 28 acres of parking lot, worth maybe a billion dollars over the life of the arena deal, is beyond us.
Here is how the
Trib described the outcome of the
Recommendations getting the most votes included a grocery, which has been long-sought as an economic anchor in the Hill. Other ideas finding favor included funding for community groups to provide tutoring and mentoring programs for young people and for rehabilitation for people with drug problems.
Voting was heavy for giving Hill District residents preference for job openings created by the development.Pittsburgh UNITED also told us that the grocery store did well, as well as "a lot of the union labor issues."
We asked Kimberly Ellis aka Dr. Goddess about Pittsburgh UNITED, and if there was a problem of differing agendas within One Hill.
After acknowledging "obvious commonalities," she says:
Pittsburgh United wants the Hill CBA to be the first in a regional model and they have been pushing a Union model. I would like to push a Hill model because this is not just about a labor negotiation. It really isn't. It's about the accountability of the entire city, county and the Pens to our collective history, something that can't be quantified in terms of jobs.Pittsburgh United is welcomed, as far as I'm concerned, to assist. But they are not welcomed to lead in my book.Of course, Pittsburgh United does not lead.
Carl Redwood is the executive director of the One Hill Coalition -- and more importantly for our purposes, he is a respected and long-time convener of the Hill District Community Consensus Group.
Who among you has as a respected and long-time convener of a consensus group in your own community?
For that matter, who among you has an Alma Fox, whom we all know "
won't jerk anybody?"