That is, if you have a horse in the whole privatization debate.
NYT via P-G, Paul Krugman
(not his usual Angela Merkel trolling)
If organizations like Highmark, UPMC and city universities don’t measure up to state nonprofit criteria, Pittsburgh could stand to gain tens of millions of dollars more in revenue from real estate and payroll taxes that are currently waived.
Harris said a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision in April found that a nonprofit working in Pike County didn’t meet the state constitution’s criteria to be a “purely public charity.” She said the ruling has opened the door for legal challenges to other nonprofits’ tax exemptions. (EPR, Noah Brode)
Harris said her investigation into tax exemptions would take longer than 18 months to finish. (ibid)
"The reason I prefer transgressional [sic] art is because it's the kind of art I like to watch."
[Dowd] was, he says, unaware of the complaints about Needles until the day the proclamation was issued.
On the other hand, when asked afterward if she were trying to use her performances to discuss specific issues, she said flatly, "No. That's not my problem. I'm an artist and I don't [redacted] have to answer for my work." (C-P, Lauren Daley)
...the perennial problem of crowd control on the South Side, where dozens of bars and nightclubs share the same 2 a.m. closing time. Thousands of people spill onto the streets, where police say their loitering leads to countless other problems, from brawls and shootings to loud noise and public urination. Cars cruise outside the nightclubs and make East Carson Street, at times, almost impenetrable. (P-G, Sadie Gurman)
Seems there is an obvious solution. Let the bars stay open as long as they like. Have the state law changed. (FB, Bill Helwig)