Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The Comet is taking most of the day off to work on its taxes. Everything we have to say about the news of the day can be accessed in this comment here.

Meanwhile, here are some recent Post-Gazette endorsements you have no reason not to support:

Brenda Frazier: Experienced, conscientious, caring, and a forward-thinker.

Jake Wheatley: Strong on education, strong on health-care, strong in the community.

Steve O'Donnell: Detail-oriented, articulate, knowledgeable.

Common Thread: The P-G Edit Board seems to appreciate persons who, more than anything else, are their own persons. So do we.


  1. Interesting to note how little play Dan Rooney's endorsement of Obama got in the PG. KDKA news was the only member of the local msm that seemed to give the event it's due. I don't think the endrosement will have much of an impact but what is meaningful is Mr.Rooney's well stated letter on the endorsement.

  2. Has the P-G endorsed a presidential nominee yet? Can there be any doubt?
