Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This is What the Overlords Look, Sound Like

Just so you're aware if you ever run into one. Apparently big chief overlord George E. Cornelius, the state Secretary of Economic Development, was personally working the halls yesterday. And Council President Shields says he got a call late yesterday from the Governor's chief of staff -- so we're clear on who the real overlord is.

"Part of the plan is a pathway out of Act 47 oversight for the city. We want to see that happen by the end of the term of this plan" ... Dean Kaplan


  1. It sounds like the mayor and the act 47 crew really want to see the parking garages move into private hands. Key question: How much does the city take in annually from the parking authority?

  2. Oh great, fast eddie has his cheesesteak covered hands on this. Run for the hills!

  3. Fast Eddie's ability to manipulate our local politicians is both impressive and embarassing. ->RB

  4. It is down right criminal. Masking a financial oversight board,to be the sole bargainer as it applies to working conditions for employees, conditions that have absolutely nothing to do with finances.

    What does that say about our State and the overlords? This city has shown that it does not need to finance a payroll for a Mayor, his staff, or Council. They are not running this city. Cut them loose! That should save a ton of money.

  5. Maybe the involvement of the State and Onarato in the City's Unfunded Pension Liability problem are precursor to City-County Consolidation.

    How many times have we heard consolidation is not possible until legacy costs are addressed...

    And with a Governors’ race forthcoming...

    GOP response should be interesting but not unpredictable...TAX CITY RESIDENTS!

  6. Said in the past: All elected in city should get half a pay while the overlords are in town. Plus, the overlords should get half of its pay put into escrow and make 1/4 available upon the exit of oversight and the last 1/4 available 3 years out after no more oversight is needed.

    Pgh is paying for them to squat here. Now they all get to pass the buck.

  7. Yunz are BONEHEADS!

    As 2nd Class City you must worship Overlords...it’s the Law.

    Isn't time we as a City are recognized as a First Class City?

    G-20 is a Happening!

    Let's cash in on notoriety...

    2nd Class Status... not for the City but the region is no longer acceptable.

    As region we must back Onarato not Wagner Overloads in Primary...

    And, at some point Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention need be convened...to eliminate Overlord Stigma that comes with 2nd Class City Designation.

  8. Now I'm really riled up!!!

    Never has there been such an opportunity for Pittsburgh...

    To squander, to hand wring, to nay say...it to be near sighted and narrow minded.

    I don't much give a crap, anymore...do to my age. I'm bitch'n because I have 3 professional daughters living and working in the 'Burgh.'

    It is their future and yours that I care about...

    Do not look for flaws in diamond when accustomed to rust.

  9. New Blog has been created....

    Pgh Monk...

    Stay tuned!

    Ordered lot's of Geritol in anticipation...

    Will have to get daughter (anvil) on board...

    You're TOAST bram :-)

  10. i checked out the matt h expsoed site. god damn is that funny.

  11. Can you all imagine monk unrestrained on his own blog?

    About the G-20 I am sick thinking about the protestors. For me it is all about projecting a positive image for the city and putting my opinions on anything else aside. A spokeswoman from Thomas Merton was on Honsberger the other day and was very confusing. Free speech is a great thing, but don't fly in here on Sept 23rd, exercise your free speech and leave.

  12. More mentions of Matt H in a non-Matt H post...geez.

  13. I thought Bram had a hold on these comments. Guess the trolls couldn't stay under the bridge.

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