The above was filmed on Saturday, April 10th at Seven Springs (after a gubernatorial forum featuring Allegheny County local hopefuls Tom Corbett, Dan Onorato and Jack Wagner -- among other conference sessions). By rule, the chairmanship of ALOM rotates to the executive of the City of Pittsburgh once every six years. The torch was passed at this annual gathering.
At 7:05 in the above video, the Mayor begins addressing economic development. Battery malfunction ends my recording in the middle of his description of the current Allegheny
Immediately afterwords, Governmental Affairs manager Paul McKrell fielded one question from the audience about the proposed sugared beverages tax: that being, "What about freedom?" McKrell responded that the City needs to inject an additional $15 million annually to the budget to comply with state oversight, that the tax is one of several ideas (one that does not revolve around Harrisburg) and that the City is open to suggestions.
Deputy Dreadlord Kristen Baginski then fielded one question about how GSPIA Connect is coming along. She confirmed that it is coming along.
Ravenstahl's inability to personally attend the organization's annual conference was conspicuously noted in advance by the Post-Gazette.
I might add that his absence was also the single snickering aside I overheard from about five of Luke's colleagues. It was like no one could quite believe it despite the obvious abnd the video thing. Rumors about him being spotted at the Airport were confirmed once I returned home to L'ville. And wasn't it there that McKrell leaked a little something about a very Famous Advisor sending the Boy texts?
ReplyDeleteMy take away for the day was, of course, Airport Dennis and the LittleCargoFlightThatCould story. I don't know about you, but I certainly get jazzed about clearing customs in hours versus a week at the busier ports.
Onorato came on afterword to deliver the State of the County dealie (he had just taken part in the candidate forum and acknowledged the unusual "double duty"). InAg's question of him was, "Dan, I love that news about the Airport running direct cargo flights to Hong Kong. That's really great." Onorato fielded that hardball as best he could.
ReplyDeleteIt should be noted that the conference was much better attended than the video portrays; although lunch hadn't been served yet, MANY attendees were on potty / coffee / smoke breaks during Pittsburgh's presentation.