Sunday, May 22, 2011



  1. Love the video. I am not very good at pop culture, but I don't think that's Blondie or her lyrics. I think it's a history teacher's rewrite as a teaching tool, ala Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire".

    Link to lyrics, wiki page, and long-disco YouTube of the original.

    Having said that, it's excellent work by a teacher, and I wish I'd had a teacher like that.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Van - There's a killer Blondie / Chic / Fab 5 Freddy / Funky Four Plus One jam session out there somewhere built around this song. You could call it a real rappers' delight.

  4. Regarding your "vote for Hazelwood to win a fruit orchard" link. The site requires providing multinational Nestle with personal contact information. Too bad, but I won't go there. Why can't we just put an orchard in Hazelwood on our own, or get a local company involved?

  5. Fwiw, I voted a couple days ago and haven't received any Nestle spam yet. I only entered name and e-mail; if there were address and telephone fields those were options and I left them blank.

    But your other point is well-taken. How hard is it to plant trees?

  6. I always thoought music was an excellent teaching tool...this wasa very cool...I saw a guy on the Shark tank last week, he developed a Shakepeare teaching tool to music..just sold it to Houghton Mifflin
