Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Garden: Dueling Editorials

The freedom-hating communists at the Post-Gazette hail the city's acquisition of the Garden Theater as "a fair deal all around," and anticipate that a renewed Garden "is now going to take its place in a development project that promises to remake this part of the North Side into a symbol of urban progress."

Meanwhile, the market-worshipping cave dwellers at the Tribune-Review savage another dubious purchase by our cash-strapped city for the purposes of "redevelopment" -- scare-quotes theirs. It also assails the corruption of eminent domain for ultimately private projects.

CORRECTION: Both this P-G editorial, and a quote from Yarone Zober in a previous Trib article, point out that even if the city had seized the Garden by eminent domain, the original owners would still need to be compensated in some way. The Comet regrets this error.

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