Friday, February 15, 2013

The WayBackMachine and the Detail Mafia's Self-Image

by Vannevar Bush

The Post Gazette reports on a website used to coordinate jobs for off-duty police officers:

One website that investigators suspected of being part of the "detail mafia" has been taken down. A second website, believed by some to still be in use, touts "real time monitoring" and "automated text notifications."

When the reporter gives you text in quotes like that it's just an invitation, a hint, to google "real time monitoring" "automated text notifications" Pittsburgh Police.

And when you do Google that, you end up at:

If you go to that URL,, you'll see that the URL now points to a YouTube video. But what's kind of geek-cool is what the archives have at the WebWaybackMachine:

Kind of interesting if that's representative of their self-image. Sam Spade n'at.

Also, you could look up who registered the URL,, and it looks like a private registration that was created on March 17, 2011 and expires on March 17, 2013.

Just saying.


  1. I don't understand the signicance of the "who registered the URL." I could find who registered it. Is its significance in the date alone, and how exactly?

    Sorry. I tried my best on my own.

  2. On style correlating to presumed substance: Pat Ford might still be around today if he didn't so revel in simple things like scotch and cigars and gold accessories.
