Monday, July 20, 2009

Kevin Acklin Calls For Investigation

Good morning, everyone!

“At a time when the city is coping with a budget crisis, and the Mayor is talking about increasing taxes, this is one more, and terribly expensive, example of how the city has been played for the benefit of the few,” Acklin said. (Full Statement)

Helps to have a relevant news hook.

Now I have to say, I've read a lot of statements on this subject matter and it's tricky businesses. This is an excellent specimen.

My first question of Mr. Acklin would be what are these other alleged examples of "how the city has been played for the benefit of a few". My first question of Mr. Ravenstahl would be, "What are you going to do to make sure we don't pay a million dollars over this".

ALMOST COMICALLY UNRELATED: U.S. attorney's critics need a history lesson (P-G, Ruth Ann Daily)

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